The difference is massive and so are the download times.
You can also use audio converter software to create OGG files from proprietary formats. Simply right click on the file and select convert to then OGG on the menu that pops up. Download our extension for Google Chrome to always have quick access to this service. RAW file formats generally require 176,000 bytes per second compared to a lossy format which requires 17,600. You can convert WAV, WMA or MP3 to OGG, create a new OGG file, convert a playlist/folder or rip a CD/track to OGG. The limit of free single conversions for our service is 1 per day. It not only can convert any popular format to OGG but also can convert OGG to any popular format. By using lossy formats it enables even dial up users to download mp3 files at a reasonable speed. The second one on the list of best OGG converters is MiniTool Video Converter. The reason lossy formats are used over RAW is that RAW audio files are too large to travel over the internet at any great speed. In other words, that means it removes the information that your ear doesn't notice thereby making the file smaller. Instead, MP3 files use perceptual coding. That means that an MP3 file does not contain 100% of the original audio information. This then enables you to get hundreds of songs on to a CD and it also has opened up a new market over the internet - the download market as download times have been significantly reduced. MP3 gets rid of a lot of the information recorded in a song that our ears are not able to hear and then uses complex algorithms to reduce the file size. MP3 is a digital music format which allows CD tracks to be reduced to around a tenth of their normal size without a significant loss of quality.

Ogg files are optimised for music files, but will still be of acceptable quality for speech only files. The OGG file type is a lossy codec which means that data is discarded as part of the compression technique, resulting in a smaller file size. It provides medium to high quality audio at between 16 and 128 kbps/channel and is better quality sound than mp3. ogg format is actually a container that potentially allows for different streams of audio, video and metadata. The file format is unlikely at present to take a dominant share of the digital music market due to the synonymous nature of MP3 with digital audio. ogg format has been utilised for the provision of streaming audio. It is supported by devices such as Archos and Samsung but is not supported by Apple iOS devices. ogg file format is a type of audio file that makes use of open source Ogg Vorbis compression.